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The best social media network for people to connect, collaborate, share content and inspire each other.

Please don't think for a minute I've forgotten about this. Something really huge and really important came up that needs to be finished, which y'all will be hearing about soon. Hang in there.

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John Henry products?

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

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We are their prisoners. image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=4&dpx=2&t=1741199756

Please do let me know what you think of the tools, ease of use, etc. Obviously not much here now, and I'm going to work on a user guide RSN to get some basics out to people, but generally I'd just love to know how you're finding the place, if it seems like it's a reasonable substitute for Facebook (other than having a billion fewer users) etc.

Live tonight at 8pm eastern/5 pacific @ FB (https://fb.me/johnhenryus), YouTube (https://youtube.com/johnhenryus) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/johnhenryus) discussing the latest madness, ways you can keep your head and avoid having your anger weaponized against you.

Admit it, . You don't have the guts. image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2&dpx=2&t=1740901029

Added an event

I'll be streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch Sunday at 8 Eastern/5 Pacific. Really just testing out the event tool for this platform at present :)

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Got my tax return a couple of days ago and my paycheck today, so I've been able to invest in some pretty cool stuff both personally and professionally - finally, a mattress! Pillows! New shoes! Also a new video card that will be going into a new hand-me-down computer, lots of other cool stuff.

So that's nice.

This particular site, I've not been focused on yet (and knew I wouldn't be, which is why I said it's likely to be a couple of months before I even start telling people beyond my private spaces about it. I need to kind of get everything configured and nailed down here, get proper branding in place and get my autograph out of the header, and make sure this thing is a social network site and not just another John Henry site.

Looking for some cool stuff content-wise soon and hopefully a bit of income to help elevate and escalate my own visibility. The engine for this site has some significantly useful add-on features that cost money to by and implement, like different reaction styles and even video streaming. Plugins range from 15 or 20 to 100+ per year, depending on the functionality. For instance there's one that provides login and account creation ability using data from other sites like facebook, google, and X without having to spend six months standing on my head working to develop and get clearance and authorizations for my own custom apps to hand that stuff. There's a plugin that will let me deplay a mobile version of the site in its own app. Etc.

I haven't decided how to handle that fundraising yet; this platform has the ability to offer paid subscription access and then make various features only available to paid subscribers; that will likely feature heavily in the beta-phase fundraising and development process. Obviously the only folks seeing this now are going to be prior supporters anyway, and I'll figure out a way to "grandfather" you into this stuff as it develops.

That's what's up for now :)

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Added a discussion

Week, what, three? Three weeks since a tree fell on our house. If anybody ever suggests that you might like having a tree fall on your house, you should thank them, but decline. Zero out of five stars. Would not recommend.

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I'll be live tonight at (8pm eastern/5 pacific) on my Facebook page (https://fb.me/johnhenryus), YouTube (https://youtube.com/johnhenryus) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/johnhenryus) Today's subject is why you NEED to understand that federal don't fund federal spending. Plus whatever else pops out of my face!

Here's a great big update about a whole bunch of things. This is for public consumption; I'm going to post extensively about this platform to "members only" in the next day or two. https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-old-long-of-122885585?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

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Introducing The NovoSoc ("nō vō sōsh") Social Network
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There, that's better. We should be back in order now.

I'll be live in about an hour (8pm eastern/5 pacific) on my Facebook page (https://fb.me/johnhenryus), YouTube (https://youtube.com/johnhenryus) and Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/johnhenryus) Talking: current state of things; new approaches to mass public action; disinformation related to activist events, and much more.

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1&dpx=2&t=1739652782So apparently this is Kyle Pratty, he's a democrat and he's so fuckin' stupid he not only felt the need to tell me but misspelled "fuckin'" in the process.

Early thoughts: this seems to be a pretty robust platform. It has capabilities of multiple access levels which can be tied to paid membership.

One of the things I'm struggling with is how to ensure that the people who use this site are PEOPLE, not 'bots or AI or spammers or grifters or cointel ops pretending to be leftists so they can tear down the left while appearing to also oppose the currently overthrown fascist government that holds power in the US. One could readily make it a "pay" site - having a payment method on file at least establishes that some real human being somewhere is involved and can be held responsible for abusive behavior - but that locks out an awful lot of people who can't afford even a buck a year or whatever.

So yeah. There's much work and contemplation to happen here before I'm anywhere close to read to even let the majority of the world know it's happening. I appreciate the patience of everyone who's getting in early; you being here definitely helps me understand more about how this site engine works and what I need to do to at least make a significant and somewhat effective effort to keep the grifters, clickbaiters, and false friends outside. And in the middle of that, trying to avoid excessive gatekeeping and "walled garden" thinking.

Won't be easy or fast but I think it's got potential to be a nice little social platform for people who want and need alternatives to the existing megacorps and smaller handful of grifters like Tribel and Truth Social.

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Added a discussion

Another type of post, a "discussion." Not sure, again, what makes this different from others. There's a "resolvable" toggle below; maybe this is intended to be a tool for "ask yahoo" or "quora" type question-and-answer stuff? FIND OUT NEXT WEEK! SAME BAT-TIME, SAME BAT-CHANNEL!